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从 HP Chromebook 11 看 Chrome OS 未来的发展

「现在,可以有另一种方法发布软件,用户再也不会被迫当上系统管理员了。互联网软件运行在服务器上,用户界面就是网页。对于普通用户来说,使用这种新型软件将更容易、更便宜、更机动、更可靠,通常也比桌面软件更强大。 」

「There is now another way to deliver software that will save users from becoming system administrators. Web-based applications are programs that run on web servers and use web pages as the user interface. For the average user this new kind of software will be easier, cheaper, more mobile, more reliable, and often more powerful than desktop software.」

Graham, Paul (2009). Hackers & Painters. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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